5 Essential SEO Optimization Strategies to Boost Your Blog

You’re sitting at your favorite local café in Burbank, Los Angeles sipping a hazelnut latte while working on your content marketing. The café is buzzing. It’s the best one in town. You’re a busy entrepreneur, but it’s a Tuesday morning. And Tuesdays are for marketing. It’s a little loud but you wrote your blog post for the week. You’re thrilled.

 But you keep posting your blogs on your website and don’t see results. You’re a health expert. You’re not a professional copywriter. It’s not enough just to write a blog post. You have to boost blog traffic with SEO for your content to reach people. Check out 5 essential tips for SEO optimization for blogs:

  1. Use keywords intentionally

Research keywords that are relevant to the topic of your post and for your industry. What’s the intent of your article? Once you have all the info you need, incorporate the keywords in your writing seamlessly, while educating your readers. But how do I do this? You ask. I’m a chiropractor, or realtor, or health coach. I don’t know how to write blog posts. That’s when you work with a blog copywriter that can provide SEO copywriting services for you.

2. Build backlinks

You can’t have a good SEO strategy for your blogs without a good backlink strategy. Have your blog posts link to credible sites. Link relevant words or phrases to other blog posts you’ve written. You can even link to social media posts that are associated with the topic of your post. Link to different pages on your website as well. You’re weaving a web to attract people to you. The more credible links directed to a webpage, the better that page will perform.

3. Post content regularly

Consistency is the name of the game. In everything. If you want to build a strong body, you have to exercise. Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you don’t see results. You probably won’t see results for at least 6 months. It’s the same with SEO. It takes months of consistent posting and optimizing to see results on Google. Most people will quit. But you’re not a quitter. You’re playing the long game.

4. Use hot headlines

What do you do when you see a fire? You look at it right? That’s what we all do.

Your headlines need to be fire.

Use alliteration. Use numbers. Use keywords. Make them stand out.

So people will want to read them. And so your posts come up in search.

5. Write for people, not technology

As much as you’re using keywords, backlinks, and strategy to optimize your SEO reach and rank on Google, you have to remember that you’re writing for PEOPLE. Make your posts fun to read. Use storytelling in your copywriting. And for the love of blog posts, don’t use AI to generate your content. Even if people see your posts, they won’t come back to read them. And they won’t take you seriously. You want to establish credibility. You want to display your expertise. You may not have time to write your marketing content. So, look for a freelance copywriter who specializes in SEO copywriting. Deciding to save a couple bucks now by using AI, is going to have a huge opportunity cost for the future of your business. Remember, you’re playing the long game.

If you want to level up your marketing with words that move, motivate, and monetize, reach out to me for a complimentary consult.


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