Copy that Converts: 8 Copywriting Best Practices

1. Know your audience

This is the most important thing you need to know. Because you’d communicate differently with your peers than you would with a child or someone who doesn’t speak your language. 

And in marketing, you’d communicate differently with an audience that’s seeking your help to rehab physical injuries vs. someone who’s shopping for new lipstick—at least I hope you would. Who’s your target audience? Who do you want to target? Are there key demographics they share? Knowing your audience’s wants, needs, and biggest pain points are non-negotiable.

2. Compelling Headlines

What would make you STOP.

And WANT to continue reading?

Headlines are the HOOKS.

3. Use Keywords for SEO

Specific words that come up in search will help people who are looking for your products or services find your page. Including them in copy will bring them up in searches. So do your research to find out what kinds of questions people are asking regarding your business, and answer them in your marketing. SEO is the hook, but for your copy to convert into readers and eventually buyers, you must provide value and engage readers with your story. 

4. Appeal to emotions

You’re writing to people. People are emotional. As much as you’d like to think you buy based on logic, according to this Harvard study, over 95% of people are emotional buyers! Read that again. The subconscious mind is making most of your decisions. Including where your money is going. And where your potential clients’ money is going. So have empathy. Care about your audience. And hire a professional copywriter who understands this to write you copy that converts.

5. Relatable tone

38% of verbal communication is in your tone. While no one can hear your actual voice in writing, you want to get them to hear your voice in their heads.

That’s tone.

And a relatable tone of voice in writing will differentiate you from competitors, establish trust, and build your brand.

To the point where people start hearing your “voice” even when they’re not reading your words. That’s when you know you’ve made an impact.

6. Captivating CTAs

Lead them to the water. And tell them to drink it. 

With attention as the new currency, Call to Actions (CTAs) that lead people to buy have become an art. 

7. Be Concise

Get to the point.

8. Clear focus

What’s your end goal? Are you trying to educate, sell, establish brand identity? And what platform will you be using? Emails should be written differently than blog posts and social media posts. It’s important to have someone who knows the difference write your copy.

If you’re looking for a professional Copywriter, check out my services, or contact me for a complimentary consult.


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